ALUM (Aluminum Sulfate)

ALUM (Aluminum Sulfate)

Product Description

Aluminum sulfate, commonly known as alum, is a chemical compound with the formula Al2(SO4)3. It is a white crystalline solid that is commonly used as a coagulating agent in water treatment, as a flocculant in the purification of drinking water and wastewater, and in the paper manufacturing industry.

Water Treatment: Aluminum sulfate is often used in water treatment plants to clarify water by causing impurities and particles to clump together, making them easier to remove through sedimentation or filtration.

Wastewater Treatment: It is employed in wastewater treatment to remove phosphorous and organic matter from sewage, helping to clean and purify the water before it is discharged.

Paper Manufacturing: Alum is used in the papermaking process as a sizing agent, helping to improve the paper's strength and water resistance. It also acts as a mordant in the dyeing process of colored paper.

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