Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric Acid

Product Description

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a strong, corrosive acid that is commonly found in laboratories and industrial settings. It is a solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCl) dissolved in water. Here are some key points about hydrochloric acid:

Physical Properties:
  • It is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor.
  • It is highly soluble in water.
  • It is a strong electrolyte, meaning it ionizes completely in water to form hydrogen ions (H⁺) and chloride ions (Cl⁻).

Concentration: In industrial and laboratory applications, hydrochloric acid is often used in various concentrations. Common concentrations include muriatic acid, which is a solution of hydrochloric acid with about 30% concentration.

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